Holiday Bliss

As we approach the holiday season what is on our minds and in our hearts? Do we look forward to this time of year, or do we anticipate more stress, more exhaustion, more chaos? How we think and feel about the holidays can shape our experience of the season.

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Power Down to Recharge

And yet we are becoming busier and more isolated as technology tempts us to be more insular. Taking time to unplug and unwind, even for part of a day, can be beneficial and therapeutic. No matter what our physical or other limitations are, there are numerous ways to get out and enjoy nature. We are fortunate enough to live in an area with many outdoor options such as parks and forests to enjoy.

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Pulling Weeds and Planting Flowers

As spring tempts us with ever warming sun coaxing those first flowers, how can we renew ourselves? I've been following the work of Dr. Ira Byock, Palliative Care Physician at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center and leading authority and advocate for improving care throughout the lifespan. In his book, The Four Things That Matter Most, a key concept he prescribes is our use of four simple phrases: "Please forgive me. I forgive you. Thank you. I love you."

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